Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Latin Roots 9

Aggregation- There was an aggregation of math teachers who needed to decide what curriculum they'd teach next year.

Agressive- Since the basketball player was so agressive on offense he was often the teams leading scorer.

Degradation- The man was surprised when he saw how much the value of his car, that he bought six years ago, had degraded.

Digress- Our conversation on politics gradually digressed to religion.

Egregious- Due to him fouling out every game the basketball player was egregious. 

Gracious- The teacher was feeling rather gracious when she decides to extend the deadline of the project.

Gratuity- Since they came in such a large party the family gave the waiter a generous gratuity.

Gregarious- Sheeps are gregarious.

Hospice- The elderly woman with no living kin had to live in a hospice home when she eventually couldn't live independently.

Hostel- The newlywed couple who had been driving for hours were relieved when they finally spotted a hostel.

Ingratiate- The prom queen candidate ingratiated herself by handing out candy.

Inhospitiable- The disapproving father was inhospitiable to his daughter's boyfriend. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Still Wrong Ebola Rx

1.) The author believes that preparing regular hospitals for ebola is irresponsible and ineffective which is evident since a Texas hospital's encounter with the virus served to be disasterous.

2) The author believes that all ebola patients should be treated at the four bio-containment centers which have been successful in the past and expand their capacity since only eleven patients can be treated between the four fascilities.

3) Sean Kaufman believes that the CDC's protective gear requirements are outrageous and insufficient.

4) Michael Burgess used the photograph of Thomas Frieden to pin-point the hypocrisy demonstrated by the flimsy protective gear protocalls.

5) a.) I agree. b.) They agree as well.

Monday, February 9, 2015


In the news article titled "Kurdish Fighters Battle Equipment Woes as Well as ISIS in Northern Iraq", the author discusses the Kurdish participation in the effort of dismantling ISIS and their disadvantages when it comes to artillery.  First, the author explains the intentions and layout of the Kurdish campaign.  Next, the author informs the readers of how old and limited their artillery is.  Also, the author reports the actual interview between himself and the Kurdish commander.  In addition, the author displayed the perspective of a primary source complimenting the hopeful tone of the text.  Finally, the author concludes by explaining the necessity for garrisons and artillery to assist their successes.  http://www.cnn.com/2015/02/09/middleeast/kurds-iraq-isis/index.html

Monday, February 2, 2015

Latin Roots VIII

Roots and Derivatives

1.     flu(x), fluct (flow, flowing)
2.     fort, fore (strong)
3.     frater(n), fratr (brother)
4.     fus, fund, found (pour, melt)

Word List

1.     Affluent- flowing with wealth and riches: prosperous; a flowing stream, as a tributary;
It was obvious that the girl came from an affluent family as she lived in a mansion and she drove a brand new BMW.

2.     Confluence- a coming or flowing together, as of rivers or ideas; a place of joining;
The meeting was planned to create a confluence of the best and brightest students to come up with the solution.

3.     Confound- to perplex, confuse, amaze, or bewilder;
A successful magician is able to confound his audience and leave them wondering how he did his tricks.

4.     Effusive- pouring forth in an emotional way; unrestrained or overly demonstrative
My sister’s effusive apology came off as insincere as it was overly dramatic with her constant crying.

5.     Forte- one’s special area of accomplishment or performance; one’s strong point;
My cousin’s forte in academics is definitely math as he always has the highest grade in class and it is not difficult for him.

6.     Fortify- to make stronger; to strengthen; to establish defenses;
Every army tries to fortify their soldiers to guarantee success in battle.

7.     Fortitude- strength of character; patient courage;
I have always admired my dad’s fortitude as he never gives up and always tries his best.

8.     Fraternize- to associate with or socialize in a brotherly fashion; to be friendly with;
My parents don’t want me to fraternize with my cousins because our families are constantly feuding.

9.     Fratricide- the killing of one’s own brother, someone who commits such an act;
He was found guilty of fratricide even though he denied that he had killed his own brother.

10.  Mellifluous- as if flowing honey or sweetness; like the tones of a honeyed voice;
The mellifluous music was so soothing and pleasant that it put me in a good mood.

11.  Profusion- a pouring forth, as of great numbers; plentifulness; an abundance;
The profusion of people coming out of the stadium reminded me of ants coming out of an anthill.

12.  Superfluous- (flowing) beyond what is needed; in excess of a sufficiency;
His superfluous speech made everyone lose interest and become bored with what he was saying.