Thursday, May 28, 2015

Chapter 12 Journal

I was slightly disapointed after reading the end of the novel.  I was expecting a more bloody and gloomy ending that would have put the cherry on top and complimented the theme fancily.  I suppose Ralph burst into tears at the end of the novel when entering safety because of the compilation of stress and fear that lurked within him for so long and suddenly being exposed to a source of relief.  I despise Jack the most in this novel since he facilitates the negativity within the boys throughout the novel.  I would reccomend this novel to many of my associates since it is entertaining and enlightening.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Chapter 11 LOTF Questions

1. Ralph's group has decided to go to Jack's tribe and try to get Piggy's glasses back and to tell them that they should maintain a signal fire for the hopes of being rescued.

2. The twins are seeing Ralph for the first time before going to Castle Rock in the ways of that they are seeing Ralph in a different manner in what they are used to. Ralph usually can maintain his order but in this section Ralph kind of loses his mind and becomes angry. 

3. The whole attempt of the boys going to the savages and trying to get Piggy's glasses and maintain the signal fire is bound to fail because Jack doesn't really care if they gets rescued and all Jack cares about he and his tribe surviving. Jack will do and think of anything to get make sure that they survive in any way. 

4. I think that roger pushes the rock off the roof because he wants to add to the frenzy that is going on and also he would want to help Jack and the savages in the fight that is going on.

5. The destruction of the conch is symbolically significant because it means the end of the civilization that the boys tried to build and maintain at the beginning of the book. The laws and sense of government is now gone.

6. The boys want a chief be cause a chief is able to lead the boys, discipline them, and show them comfort. A chief is almost like a parent to the boys, hence why they elected Ralph. A parent show how they care for their children, but they also discipline them. A chief is supposed to set the guidelines and rules for the boys (aka- the conch), but now the conch is shattered.

  • How do you plan to live out the rest of your life? Waiting to be rescued or dying out on this island with the rest of your hunters?
  • What will happen to you and your hunters if chaos breaks out among the boys of YOUR tribe?
8.  Dear Diary,

     The boys among Jack and his group have been nothing but violent and a bunch of bloody thieves. First they commit theft by stealing Piggy's glasses, leaving him practically blind. Sure, they have a fire, but it won't do them any good with such a minuscule size - only for cooking meals. Ralph's been trying to restore order, with Piggy's and SamnEric's help, but now that the conch was broken by Jack, there's almost no hope whatsoever in trying to reestablish a structure on the island. Simon and the kid with the birth mark have already died, some of the forest within the island has already been burnt to a crisp, and there's been nothing but fighting among the two groups and their leaders.

     At first, the island seemed quite pleasant and refreshing because it was a new environment to the boys and the boys still had their sense of humanity with them. Yet now, the state of the island is in utter chaos because of disagreements and violence between the two chiefs - Jack and Ralph. Jack has no plans of changing his instinctual savage ways. Ralph on the other hand, is trying to  get things back to the way things were before. At this rate, the whole entire island and sense of civilization among the boys will deteriorate because there is absolutely no structure.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Chapter 10 LOTF Questions

1. Summarize what Ralph, Piggy, and SamnEric say about what happened last night. Include 3 details from the chapter in your answer.
  • Ralph keeps repeating, "That was Simon," and said, "That was murder." (Golding 156). He remembered the hunters' dance and how they encircled Simon and beat him to death. He even said, "P'raps he was only pretending," but he truly felt guilty about Simon's death. (Golding 157)
  • Piggy was unable to clearly see what was happening to Simon within the circle because he was outside of the circle. Not only that, but he can only see from one eye because of his glasses. (Golding 155). Piggy kept insisting that what happened to Simon was an accident and that they needed to move on and forget about the event. (Golding 157).
  • SamnEric were tired last night, so they left the dance and the feast with the other boys early. They stated, "Yes. We were very tired, so we left early. Was it a good dance?" (Golding 158).
2. What are 2 differences between Ralph's and Jack's explanations for (and feelings about) Simon's death? Include information from chapter 10 in your answer.

One difference between Ralph and Jack's explanations/feelings about Simon's death is that Ralph feels guilty about it and can't seem to drop the topic when he talks to Piggy about it. He felt scared as well (Golding 156,157). Jack on the other hand doesn't feel an ounce of guilt at all because Simon was "the beast" (Golding 160). Another difference is that Ralph knew that Simon was the one getting beaten and not the beast because he couldn't forget about Simon's death (Golding 157). Jack couldn't recognize Simon at all and therefore saw him as the beast in disguise (Golding 160).

3. What conclusion can you draw about Jack based on his order to have Wilfred beaten? Include 2 details from the chapter to support this conclusion.

One conclusion that I can draw about Jack based on his order to have Wilfred beaten is that he has basically lost his sense of humanity because he didn't have a reason to beat Wilfred, but still called for him to be tied up for hours. Another conclusion is that from hunting and being away from civilization, Jack has given in to his desires to kill and his bloodlust is so strong that he's desperate to beat up one of his own boys to satisfy himself.

  • Who is the chief now and how do we know? The scene where Jack and his friends attack Ralph's camp is both violent and comical. Write a script that includes actions (very few words necessary) for each of the following characters: Piggy, Ralph, Sam, Eric, Jack, and Roger during the raid.
Jack is the chief, rather than Ralph, because Jack's hunters refer to him as "Chief," instead of calling him by his name (Golding 160, 161).

This far in the story it seems like Jack is the chief. The boys listen to him more and even fear him. Those who don’t obey his commands suffer inhuman consequences.
Piggy: Asthma worsens, glasses lost.
Ralph: Unknowingly punches Eric in the face until he bleeds.
Jack: Takes over, commands, invades, sings.
Samneric: Scared; in denial.
Roger: Attacks Piggy.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Latin Roots 9

Aggregation- There was an aggregation of math teachers who needed to decide what curriculum they'd teach next year.

Agressive- Since the basketball player was so agressive on offense he was often the teams leading scorer.

Degradation- The man was surprised when he saw how much the value of his car, that he bought six years ago, had degraded.

Digress- Our conversation on politics gradually digressed to religion.

Egregious- Due to him fouling out every game the basketball player was egregious. 

Gracious- The teacher was feeling rather gracious when she decides to extend the deadline of the project.

Gratuity- Since they came in such a large party the family gave the waiter a generous gratuity.

Gregarious- Sheeps are gregarious.

Hospice- The elderly woman with no living kin had to live in a hospice home when she eventually couldn't live independently.

Hostel- The newlywed couple who had been driving for hours were relieved when they finally spotted a hostel.

Ingratiate- The prom queen candidate ingratiated herself by handing out candy.

Inhospitiable- The disapproving father was inhospitiable to his daughter's boyfriend. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Still Wrong Ebola Rx

1.) The author believes that preparing regular hospitals for ebola is irresponsible and ineffective which is evident since a Texas hospital's encounter with the virus served to be disasterous.

2) The author believes that all ebola patients should be treated at the four bio-containment centers which have been successful in the past and expand their capacity since only eleven patients can be treated between the four fascilities.

3) Sean Kaufman believes that the CDC's protective gear requirements are outrageous and insufficient.

4) Michael Burgess used the photograph of Thomas Frieden to pin-point the hypocrisy demonstrated by the flimsy protective gear protocalls.

5) a.) I agree. b.) They agree as well.

Monday, February 9, 2015


In the news article titled "Kurdish Fighters Battle Equipment Woes as Well as ISIS in Northern Iraq", the author discusses the Kurdish participation in the effort of dismantling ISIS and their disadvantages when it comes to artillery.  First, the author explains the intentions and layout of the Kurdish campaign.  Next, the author informs the readers of how old and limited their artillery is.  Also, the author reports the actual interview between himself and the Kurdish commander.  In addition, the author displayed the perspective of a primary source complimenting the hopeful tone of the text.  Finally, the author concludes by explaining the necessity for garrisons and artillery to assist their successes.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Latin Roots VIII

Roots and Derivatives

1.     flu(x), fluct (flow, flowing)
2.     fort, fore (strong)
3.     frater(n), fratr (brother)
4.     fus, fund, found (pour, melt)

Word List

1.     Affluent- flowing with wealth and riches: prosperous; a flowing stream, as a tributary;
It was obvious that the girl came from an affluent family as she lived in a mansion and she drove a brand new BMW.

2.     Confluence- a coming or flowing together, as of rivers or ideas; a place of joining;
The meeting was planned to create a confluence of the best and brightest students to come up with the solution.

3.     Confound- to perplex, confuse, amaze, or bewilder;
A successful magician is able to confound his audience and leave them wondering how he did his tricks.

4.     Effusive- pouring forth in an emotional way; unrestrained or overly demonstrative
My sister’s effusive apology came off as insincere as it was overly dramatic with her constant crying.

5.     Forte- one’s special area of accomplishment or performance; one’s strong point;
My cousin’s forte in academics is definitely math as he always has the highest grade in class and it is not difficult for him.

6.     Fortify- to make stronger; to strengthen; to establish defenses;
Every army tries to fortify their soldiers to guarantee success in battle.

7.     Fortitude- strength of character; patient courage;
I have always admired my dad’s fortitude as he never gives up and always tries his best.

8.     Fraternize- to associate with or socialize in a brotherly fashion; to be friendly with;
My parents don’t want me to fraternize with my cousins because our families are constantly feuding.

9.     Fratricide- the killing of one’s own brother, someone who commits such an act;
He was found guilty of fratricide even though he denied that he had killed his own brother.

10.  Mellifluous- as if flowing honey or sweetness; like the tones of a honeyed voice;
The mellifluous music was so soothing and pleasant that it put me in a good mood.

11.  Profusion- a pouring forth, as of great numbers; plentifulness; an abundance;
The profusion of people coming out of the stadium reminded me of ants coming out of an anthill.

12.  Superfluous- (flowing) beyond what is needed; in excess of a sufficiency;
His superfluous speech made everyone lose interest and become bored with what he was saying. 

Monday, January 26, 2015


Knowledge can be attained through an infinate amount of resources.  It is the very thing that enables us to perform tasks, and disallows us to accomplish them when absent.  A popular saying states that knowledge gives us power.  This is very true since the more we know, the more we can see and accomplish.  On the other hand, ignorance is something that haunts many of us.  It blind folds us of the truth and restrains our ability to prosper.  This is a product of the absence of knowledge.  You can acquire knowledge by picketting through the most barren depths and trenches, or even just by simply observing something as puny as an ant.  It is vital that people have a hunger for absorbing knowledge to better themselves and the atmosphere that they relay to their associates.  "Knowledge pries open one's eyes.  Ignorance only permits one's view to the back of their eyelids."

Sunday, January 25, 2015


78.6 million american adults are haunted by obesity.  This disturbing fact is caused by several different factors that include lack of education, poverty, and media.  It is vital that this disease gradually inches it's way to extinction for the wellfare and health of the generations to come.  Nutritional education must be prioritized and exposed to students and parents in order to enlighten obesity's current or eventual subjects.  Most people are not aware of the necessity of the consumption of essential vitamins and nutrients which affects the physical and mental development of the human body.  People are also not precarious of the harmful affects generated from the consumption of unhealthy foods.  The emphasis of these factors must be practiced.  Poverty is also a very major suspect when disecting this issue.  The clenches of poverty have been grasping people ever since the initial formulation of civilization.  In modern society, nutritious food is often very expenive in comparison to junk and fast foods.  It is easier and cheaper to order five items from the McDonald's dollar menu than to purchase ingredients to prepare a fresh hot meal at home. This predicament is often viewed upon as one that can only be tackled politically. Although there is a solution applicable to some instances that retraces back to the first topic involving education.  If more people are educated and have an abundance of occupation opportinities in their grasps, then they will flourish financially enabling them to consistantly posses quality foods for themselves and their family.  The last antagonist of this plague is the media.  Everywhere we go we are constantly exposed to advertisments that influence and convey the weak minded to purchase their product.  Unfortunately, unhealthy food is notorious for occupying this luxury.  Companies constantly brainwash society with shallow, yet affective, propaganda. In order to be immune from these entrapments, one must develop a very strong mindset that disallows these tactics to impact and penetrate their perspectives. Obesity is evidently one of society's most dreadful illness but can be cured with education, economic strength, and mental superiority.