1) Agenda: A list or plan of things to be done in the future; listed items to be taken up at a meeting.
I wrote my math assignment in my agenda.
2) Agile: Quick and easy of movement or thought; rescourceful.
I am agile when it comes to quick decision making,
3) Alienate: To make someone unfriendly, withdrawn, or indifferent.
I cause thine enemies to feel alienate.
4) Altercation: A heated or angry argument; a noisey quarrel.
I had an altercation with a player from Atascedero resulting in his defeat.
5) Amiable: Generally pleasant, friendly, and nice to be around.
I tend to interact with amiable subjects.
6) Amorous: Suggestive of love, love making, or sexual desire.
I have a tendancy of unintentionally causing amorous behavior of females towards me.
7) Animated: Filled with life and spirit; active.
My attitude on life can described as animated.
8) Equanimity: Calmness or evenness of mind or spirit; even-temperedness.
I display equanimity to hide my emotions and find peace from within.
9) Inalienable: That which cannot be taken away or transfered to someone else.
My student ID is inalienable for the usage of one other than myself.
10) Inanimate: Possessing neither life nor spirit; not alive.
I perform the antonym of being inanimate.
11) Magnanimous: Showing a kind of nobleness of mind and spirit; high-minded; free of pettiness.
I try to display magnanimous characteristics in every day life.
12) Reactionary: Characterized by ideas suggesting a desire to move backward, especailly in matters relating to politics.
I tend to be reactionary of fond memories of my past and enter a state of nostalgia.
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