Saturday, September 6, 2014

Journal #1

My priorities are working my hardest to achieve my very best, which I know is capable of being ranked number one in my sophomore class.  I plan on maintaining all As and excelling in this course.  The reason I enrolled in this course is because I want to conquer the obstacle of an AP English class and this course will assist my preparation in doing so.  Success for me is when I accomplish my goals and know I put forth maximum effort in doing so.  My goal is to achieve the Valedictorian Award and get an academic and athletic scholarship to either Stanford or Harvard Universities.  My goals for this class persist of maintaining a positive attitude and excelling in the course while taking advantage of the critical opportunities bestowed upon me to recieve very useful and applicable knowledge proposed to me in this seemingly enriched learning environment and atmosphere.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like the how you are working for your achievements. I believe that you will make it to any university you want... I wish I can be like you though:/

  3. I like how you are goal oriented and have determination/drive to reaching those goals. Knowing you, you can/will succeed with these personal goals. this journal is well written and shows a lot about you. Good luck though, because I am aiming for Stanford and Valedictorian too ;)

  4. I believe you are a very hard worker your work ethic is a formidable asset to yourself. Furthermore,I believe that you have an extremely high probability of going to Stanford or Harvard and I might even go a little further by saying those universities are a bit too 'easy' for a man as superbly intuitive as yourself. You're an inspiration to me and to everyone else who has ever met you because you're really that awesome.

  5. Nice man your ranked number 1! I had your dad as a 6th grade teacher and knowing him, i know you can achive your goals bro.

  6. I think this post definitely does portray your desire to strive to be the greatest and having priorities such as that will carry you on to achieve your goals of Stanford and Valedictorian. However, you may find that other people are better than you in some or many aspects, like myself, and you shouldn't let that discourage you at anytime.
