Sunday, September 28, 2014

Literature Analysis for The Alchemist

  1. This novel is about a boy who is a shepard and becomes one in order to pursue his dream of traveling.  One night in a church yard, he dreams that he goes to the Pyramids of Egypt and finds treasure there.  He then goes into the city and consults a dream-reader who instructs him to go to Egypt and find this treasure.  After, while he is sitting in the plaza, an elderly man advises him to follow his dream and informs him of the idea of people's personal legends.  He instructs him to go to the Pyramids and later devolges that he is the King of Salem.  The boy sets off to Africa and arrives at the town two hours from Spain from boat.  He goes into a pub and gets mugged of all his money that he earned from selling his sheep.  He sees a Crystal shop that sells glass cups and comences work there.  Before he started working there, buissiness was very slow in the shop.  His arrival attracted a prosperity of customers and he earned enough money to go back home since his dream was extinguished.  He then encountered a british alchemist who was trying to  purse "The Alchemist" who lived in Egypt.  The Alchemist had mastered alchemy and the brit wanted to learn from him.  Together they joined a caravan to Egypt after his dream had been ignited again and they arrived at an oasis because they couldn't travel anymore since a war commenced in the desert and it was too dangerous for them to advance.  There he met a girl named Fatima, who he instantly fell in love with.  He also read an omen indicating an attack from one of the tribes was iminent so he warned the chiefs and saved the oasis.  The Alchemist recognized his power and foundhim to accompany him to the Pyramids.  Before they got there, they got captured by one of the tribes and the boy communicated to the wind, sun, and god to make the wind wipe out the tribe so they could proceed.  The Alchemist let him go by himself the last 3 hours of his journey and when he arrived he was mugged and beaten.  One of the thieves laughed after the boy told them why he was there and one of the thieves said that he had a dream too that he was supposed to travel to the church yard where the boy dreamt his dream and he would find treasure there.  So the boy then knew where his treasure was and after all of the conflicts he encountered, he followed his heart back to where his adventure originated and discovered a box full of gold coins. The real treasure that he uncovered though, was his gift to understand the language of the sould of the world and his heart which are all one. 
  2. The theme of this novel is to follow your dreams no matter who or what suggests hopelessness in that dream and your Personal Legend will be where your heart is at.  My author chose to write about this to express his feelings about how we should persue our Personal Legends in life. 
  3. I chose this book because it was reccomended by an intellectually advanced companion of mine.  The summary on the back cover describing it's empowering and enlightening affect it relays to it's readers made me grab interest then after commencing the novel I witnessed it for myself, I literally couldn't put it down.
  4. The message that this book relays is realistic in that it demonstrates the challenges and paths in life that are neccessary to find happiness, wisdom, and fullfilment. 
  5. The other's tone can be described as passionate.  He knows what he is talking about and relays his thoughts onto parchment fancily. "No matter what he does, every person on earth plays a central role in the history of the world." "Where your treasure is, there also will be your heart." "Follow your heart."
  6. Symbolism, metaphors, imagery, personification, idioms, hyperboles, foreshadowing, similes, dramtaic irony, and allusions are displayed to relay the author's message.  "The boy awoke as the sun rose.  There, in front of him, where the small stars had been the night before, eas an endless row of date palms, stretching across the entire desert. (pg. 85) "Maktub." ( pg. 61) "The alchemist fell silent as the desert, and answered the boy only after they had stopped to eat." (pg. 137) "And their eyes spoke of death." (pg. 139) "The sun was setting as the boy's heart sounded a danger signal." (pg. 138) "The boy stood up shakily, and looked once moreat the Pyramids.  They seemed to laugh at him, and he laughed back, his heart bursting with joy.  Because now he new where his treasure was." (pg. 163)
  7. The author gives me the impression that the Brit and the Chief were stubborn through indirect chracterization and direct characterization of the boy and Fatima informs me of their love for eachother. "At that moment, it seemed to him that time stood still, and the Sould of the World surged within him.  When he looked into her dark eyes, and saw that her lips were poised between a laugh and silence, he learned the most important part of the language that all the world spoke, the language that everyone on earth was capable of understanding in their heart.  I was love."
  8. No, all characters speak in the same manner throughout the book.  
  9. There is no protagonist to this novel. 
  10. I felt as if I met a person after reading this novel since his descriptions and relativity was so profound through the usage of his characters. 
  11. This book will always have instilled the ideas of the pursuit of our dreams and of listening to our hearts.  This book is soley on those two topics and are relayed beautifully throughout the novel. It has singed a mark in my soul that will never heal and it has transformed my perspective on life and on how to approach life in order to find happiness. 


  1. From what you have written your story sounds pretty cool. Althought I don't think that I would read this it sounds like a book based on the boy's adventure to see the pyramids. Sounds like a story that when you find the hidden treasure you'll find all that you have been seeking. Sounds like a pretty good book.

  2. Judging by your rating of the book and your constant praise of it in your literature analysis I would think this would be a great read. I will definitely read this in the future.
