Thursday, November 13, 2014

Literature Analysis #2: The Great Gatsby

1) The novel commences when the narrato, Nick Carraway, moves to West Egg district of Long Island.  He visits his cousin Daisy Buchanan and Tom Buchanan.  He learns that his neighbor, Jay Gatsby, is a very rich and liked man who throws parties every Saturday night.  Nick becomes fond of Jordan Baker, Daisy's companion.  Nick is eventually invited to one of Gatsby'sparties and he reveals that he loves Daisy from the past and still has feelings for her.  Nick assists and fascilitates the respark of their relationship and they commence an affair.  Meanwhile, Tom is having an affair with Myrtle, George Wilson's husband who is lifeless.  Gatsby earned all of his fortune through criminal activity.  Myrtle gets ran over by Gatsby's car and Tom tells George that Gatsby did it so he shoots hum to death in his pool and later Nick fascilitates a small funeral for him.

2) The main theme of the novel is that the American dream is dead because all people care about now is money and aristocracy.  The author chose to write about this in order to demonstrate how our society has changed for the worse since aristocracy dictates everything including romance.

3) The protagonist is Gatsby and he is static because his mindset and characterization doesn't change much thriughout the novel.  Nick Carraway is also another major character and he is significant since this is told through his point of view and he fascilitates the rekindling of Daisy's and Gatsby's affections for eachother.

4) The green light at the end of Daisy's dock visable from Gatsby's lawn represents his hope for his future with her.  This is applicable tothe themes of romance and initiative in the novel.

5) The book's reputation and many recomendations from fellow peers aided me in selecting this novel to read and it's unique plot and incredible flow ensured my progression of reading it.

6) Someof my compamions have participated in affairs-like relationships like the one displayed by Gatsby and Daisy and it is interesting to mme how people search for love and disregard the ones whom they are comitted to if they aren't completely satisfied and have a more beneficial propostion.

7) One idea that I will remember for a long time in this book is how people can reach to such great extents to ensure their happiness with someone else in a romantic manner.  This is a risky path but one frequently taken despite the unloyalty demonstrated in doing so.  "So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past."

1 comment:

  1. Great vivid description of the novel. I believe you got the theme of the book perfectly. Nice job.
