Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Reflections On Week One

1) There are no factors that will affect my participation in this class related to the examples stated in the question.  Although, I feel that the reliance of excessive technological rescourses is at times inconvenient and confusing, especially for the ones who do not have access to the required technological possession.

2) I am an observer, or analyzer if you will. I pick up positives and negatives from everyone or every situation that I encounter and try to apply or avoid duplicating those things in my life.  My eighth grade Algebra Teacher, Mr.  Mason, is one of the more significant impactors in my life since he conducted a very effective learning environment in which I thrived and many of my fellow peers whom have shared this same expierience as I have, also share this class with me as well.  He was effective at relaying information to us ina simple manner and had  routine in which we pretty much followed daily.

3) I am eager about attending this course and have been satisfied so far from what I've witnessed.  I believe that I will prosper in this great learning atmosphere and be able to take what I will have learned and apply them to the next Literature course I will be taking which will be preferably AP English.  I look forward to learning how to improve upon my ability to read quicker while still sustaining reading comprehension and also improving upon my technological capabilities in preperance for the future education system in which we are headed.

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